Monday, February 28, 2011

February 29, 2011

I am sitting in Speeder and Earl's Coffee Shop listening to Bob Dylan's Lay Lady, Lay play on the digital radio station and it is dawning on me that I have not bought new clothes for myself in four months. You would think that my wearing the same dress every day would result in a decrease of Laundry Mountain ( oh yes, we have a mtn. not just a pile), but it seems like I have been doing the same amount since before this project kicked off. Some things don't change, I guess.

So I have to admit that I am in my exercise clothes now intending to do a little yoga in the studio later. I also have to admit to have been wearing them all morning. Yep. But I have a good reason, I have been working on cupcake all morning. I think I may have a problem... My standard for what should be accomplished every day on this dress and project may actually exceed the capacity for creation of the average, normal human being, it may even go beyond the standard over achiever. In other words I am burning myself out. I have started to notice how often my standard response of "I'm doing great" has turned into, " I'm good, but tired". Either I am getting older, or I just need to get a better nights sleep. It's hard to sleep when feeling so excited about where the night's stitching has taken me and where I would like to take it the next day. Although I love the excess of sewing, I have to admit that I am only human and that going to bed at a reasonable hour will do my soul every bit of good as staying up late sewing, it may even do me better. So I have been knocking off at 9:30 the last couple of days. And I already feel better.

I just met with a friend and he said "Wylie, even if you do one small bad-ass stitched heart or bulge or what have you and photograph it and post it, you are doing justice to your art, project and followers."

So after bringing cupcake to new extravagant heights this morning.... I am going to reflect on my friend's comment and remember that part of this project is the integration of a daily art practice into my daily life. Some times I have time for art, other times I need to make time for me.

As for more agenda discussions from last week... I will continue those but at a more leisurely pace.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently I get my dates mixed up, but even worse I get the leap years confused. oops.
