Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 10, 2011

So this dress, teetering between the names Candy or Sugar Puss... came to me already with attitude.  I feel how my body moves differently as a result of her poofy body.  She makes me want to arch my back a little, to over exaggerate my posture.  She wants lace, and lace and more lace!  She wants to feel flowy and ruffly and she wants to make sound when I walk.  She started off with a train, but that train has now been tied up in a little knot in the back.  The train was getting very dirty and it was getting difficult to clean the stains out of the satin.  STAIN SATIN... oh I love those words together like that.  
Tonight I am going out to Pecha Kucha at the museum, I am going to be apart of a great new idea presented by artist Kat Clear.  In a sense she is creating a circus, but using the circus as a metaphor for artists.  Just as all circus performers were required to be jacks of all trades,( ie. selling tickets, operating rides, making banners, and putting on a performance) an artist is required to wear several hats: creator, promoter, businessman, and showman.  It will be a fantastic! The dresses are of course going to fit into this project in their own special/spectacular/spectacle way. 

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