Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hawthorne, details

Ok.  Hawthorne.  Hawthorne is all about the heart.  The name comes from a recent experience of having my chakras unblocked, an experience I have never had before.  The process goes something like you have a healer, they help you relax, they test for compromised or completely blocked charkra points and then spiritually cleanse you as well as place protective plants in/around the newly cleared chakra points.  I had several areas that were blocked, but the one I want to focus on here is my heart center.  
According to C. W. Leadbeater

"The he fourth centre, the cardiac, at the heart, is of a glowing golden colour, and each of its quadrants is divided into three parts, which gives it twelve undulations, because its primary force makes for it twelve spokes.."

C. W. Leadbeater, The Chakras, Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Ill. p.13

The Heart Chakra is the centre from which feelings of love emanate. It is also associated with other virtuous emotions, such as joy, happiness, honesty, respect, compassion, understanding, and generosity, and with loving oneself in a sincere, non-egotistic way. This is also the chakra through which we connect with others whom we love or have affection towards. Once forged, these links are very hard to break, which is why people suffer so much through the break-up of a relationship or the loss of a loved one

This chakra is the centre of the positive (yang) Chi energy in the body, just as the Door of Life chakra is the centre of Yin Chi energy.  According to Mantak Chia, the left side of the heart chakra is red and positively charged, the right side is dark green and negatively charged, and the core of the heart centre is pure white

The red would clearly correspond to the rose light of love, while the green signifies the lower or gross emotional body functioning of the heart centre, which is focussed on self, security, and accumulation of and attachment to and pride in physical and emotional possessions.  The white of course signifyies spiritual purity.

Just as for men (and masculine women) the logos (reason) or head centre is extremeely important, so for women (and feminine men) it is the eros (love) or heart centre that is of great significance. According to Mantak Chia, when this chakra is open, its energy connects to the breasts, and it generates the virtues of the heart through the whole body [p.240]

The heart chakra is very important in spiritual healing.  According to Barbara Brennan, all ll the energies metabolised through the chakras travel up the central nadi of the body and into the heart chakra, before moving out through the hands or eyes of the healer [Brennan, p. ]

When the heart centre has been fully opened, it becomes the channel for Universal Love; what the Buddhists call Mahakaruna ot "the Great Compassion", and esoteric Christians and Theosophists the "Christ Consciousness".  Once opened, the Higher Self or Immortal Divine Soul is able to work through this centre.  This is probably why in so many cultures the heart is said to be the seat of the soul.

Ok, so my healer placed Hawthorne inside of 4th center to help protect my heart.  Hawthorne is a plant I knew very little about, let alone could not identify, but now after this experience, I see Hawthorne everwhere, including outside of my studio window, at the end of my street, on nature walks with my son and just about everywhere I go. 
Hawthorn has played a major role as a medicinal plant since the turn of the century. During the Middle Ages, it was a folk medicine for all heart-related ailments, including "emotions of the heart." I consider it to be an adaptogen for the cardiovascular system because it keeps proper balance, conserves energy and increases the abihty to cope with stress, whether physical, mental or emotional.

Since the late 19th century, hawthorn has been used successfully as a cardiac tonic to regulate circulation as well as treat both high and low blood pressure, rapid or arrhythmic heartbeat, inflammation of the heart muscle, angina pec-toris and early signs of circulatory problems due to aging. It is also helpful for menopausal symptoms and arteriosclerosis.

Wild Plant: Hawthorn {Crataegus spp.}

Family: Rose {Rosaceae}

Description: Shrub or small tree with long, slender, sharp thorns along the branches.

Habitat: Meadow edges, thickets, open spaces and pastures.
To honor the Hawthorne plant that is proecting my most valuable and sacred life force, I deticate this month's dress to it. 

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