Friday, July 8, 2011

July 8, 2011

Day one in new said dress:  cut off poofy sleeves and embroidery around a flour with the initials of my true love.
Questions to be answered:
Do I preplan each dress before I start? 

 No, but sometimes there is an idea I have been wanting to work with so I will try to experiement a little with a preconceived idea.  Usually I deviate from the plan.

How do I pick the dresses I start with?

I have a whole rack of dresses hanging in my studio.  They all have some meaning for me.  Some times I start with one of them, other times I just go with the flow and a couple of days before the month switches I pull a couple of things and make a last minute decision.  Some times I construct a garment entirely from nothing... like Cupcake.

Will I wear these dresses again? 

Aside from perhaps reshooting some final portraits ( Evangeline and The Struggle and perhaps Medkansla)  I don't really see myself wearing any of these dresses again.  They document a very specific time and space in my life.  They are the history of one month for the year between Nov. 2010 and Nov. 2011.  I want them to say what they say and be a record of where I was, who I was, and kind of act like an intersection or pinpoint on a map of my own life.

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