Sunday, September 25, 2011

STRUT Fashion Show

Thank you to Eva Sollberger for this fabulous image!

Strut Images


I forgot to add these!

Wylie Sofia Garcia


I know I need to update images of this month's dress now named Hawthorne.... a long story behind this one, and a good story is one worth waiting for...soon  soon.
 Enjoy the images of my show The Tulle Did Her In open at Helen Day Art Center in Stowe, VT until October 23.  Also please enjoy the images of my girls getting ready for our fashion show STRUT.
It's been a long several weeks.... I feel great... I just finished an interview with a Reporter from Stowe... so be sure to catch that some time soon...
Now that these shows are up.... and Hawthorne is being worked on and the final dress has been picked... I am feeling really good about where I am.

The Tulle Did Her In, Helen Day Art Center, Stowe VT

I love the way Medkansla and The Struggle are talking to eachother... compassion and struggle... wow. I did't curate this part, the fabulous curators did... what a good job!
I also love how Elizabeth and Miss November seem to relate so imitmately with one another.

The Tulle Did Her In at Helen Day Art Center Open from Sept. 23rd til Oct. 22

This is what the show looks like with natural lighting and no gallery lighting... I am pretty pleased.

The Raven

The last day I was setting up The Tulle Did Her In, a Raven came to visit.  This is very very very good luck.

Sewing Initials with my mom


Second reinvention of set up for Helen Day Show

My mom is helping me in the corner by sewing my initials onto the tops of each mannequin.

Wylie Sofia Garcia

Initial set up in Stowe with a view from my work desk.


Preparing for The Helen Day Art Center Show

My work chair needed some sparkes on her bottom... this is me wearing Hawthorne....yep I named this months dress...dress 11 is Hawthorne.

Wylie Sofia Garcia

The Crowd and Tent at STRUT

This tent was huge!

Lucy Leith Designs

Props to Lucy Leith, awesome designer, former student and just a highschool sophmore!  Congrats Lucy for stealing the Show your work is just fabulous!

Strut Pics

The group in all of our beautious glory!

Strut Pics

Here we are walking to the Tent where the fashion show will be happening.

Sept. 10, 2011 STRUT Fashion Show Getting Ready

Wylie Sofia Garcia

Art Hop Invisibility Ball Gown

September 9, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Still from David Lynch's film DUNE


I promised myself that tonight would be the night to post some pictures. But here I am, exhausted once more, getting ready for my show which opens this Friday at the Helen Day Art Center in Stowe. I will post an explosion of pictures as soon as I am able. But for now I will leave you with this tid bit.... I am starting to research some Frank Herbert quotations from his book DUNE. With too much rain and water up here and not enough down south I have started to think about changes in climate... Hmmm this isn't exactly what I want to say here.. I have been thinking a lot about changes... Changes changes changes... The whole world seems to be changing, shifting.... Adjusting. I am currently trying to remind myself to make room for adjustments. Adjust. Breathe. Drink water. Adjust. Breathe.

Wylie Sofia Garcia

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011

What a fantastic Art Hop! Friday night was fabulous and the art was awesome, especially the surprise James Turrell. You never know what amazing little pockets of art you may find. I want to give props to artists Nancy Dwyer, Grace Weaver, Lorraine Reynolds, Jake Riken, as well as props to the curators and organizers of many gallery spaces including, Christy Mitchell of the S.P.A.C.E. Gallery, Rick Levinson and Clark Derbes from the Root Gallery, and to everyone at SEABA (South End Arts and Business Association). Great Work! And then a special thanks to Teresa Davis and Davis Studios for Kids Hop! I may have been one of the teachers and facilitaors if kids hop, but my son came and he is still talking about it after three days.

And then of course for STRUT, the fashion show, thank you thank you thank you to my lovely models: Dre Idle, Kate Butts, Allison Hicks, Abby Mannock, Andrea Todd, and Darshana Bolt! You girls looked so fabulous and made my entire year! (pictures soon to follow)

And now I am on my way to Stowe, VT with nearly my entire studio packed into my car. The Tulle Did Her In opens on September 23 at Helen Day Art Center. I feel a little emotional to have my work all packed into my car. I get to drive an hour with all this intense energy crammed into one small space.... I must admit I am a little apprehensive and nervous to get in the car... Perhaps this is why I am stalling with this post.... Alas, I must go...the show must go on.

Wylie Sofia Garcia

Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 8, 2011

A Package arrived today!  It contains fashion gold!  An Issey Miyake wool dress (on the left in the picture) and a White Beautiful Silk/Taffeta Gown complete with Tulle underpinnings and a wrap.  It also had a great sweater by Eva Claudi and a pair of sparkle clip on devil horns.  I am positively ecstatic!  The dresses and sweater are a marvelous gift from my Aunt Mary.  The horns are a gift from my dad.  Such a wonderful surprise and so appropriate given the way this project has evolved and is now coming to a close.  Oddly enough I was envisioning the last dress to be white... so it looks like I may have found her...she needs a little bit of something to cover the side but that is what this project is all about right? 
 I wish I could write more about this serendipitous turn of events, but alas it is late and the eve of Art Hop, a huge super awesome Art Festival that happens once a year here in Burlington.  It is my favorite time of year too...   Stay tuned though because I will be wearing The Invisibility Ball Gown tomorrow night as well as Saturday night for Strut and that means more pictures soon to follow.
Wylie Sofia Garcia

Stitch like the wind... my stitch and bitch.

I am peparing work for The Tulle Did Her In show at Helen Day Art Center in Stowe, VT opening on the 23rd of September... this month only weeks away argh! ahh! yea! oh dear....
So here I am stitching my initials onto the top neck holes of all of these mannequins that I have been making slip covers for.  I am a little nervous about this show.  It feels bigger than me and I can't hide from it in any thing I dream up or create.  My oh my. 

September 7, 2011

I love this dress.  It feels so bouncy and it has a small leather top.  I am already thinking about layers, many many layers.

September 7, 2011

Final shots for La Llorona will be coming soon.  Her zipper broke on the last day... made it hard for images, but I will be getting them soon soon soon to post.
Here is an image of me wearing the next to last dress!!! NEXT TO LAST!  oh my!
I am so exhausted here... end of a long day getting ready for a big art festival weekend!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 1, 2011

Wow, alot of work gets done when I get sick... I basically sat around for two days watching Mad Men episodes on NetFlix and sewing.
I would also like to state for the record that this dress transformation is coming along nicely.  People keep asking me if it is a new dress that I have started and kind of look at me pleasantly surprised when I tell them I am at the end of this month's cycle... I already have another one on deck for next month. 

Sept.1, 2011

Here is that thing I have been working on... looks so nice on the couch... still no title for it yet.